The process that causes dandruff is a natural one which goes on all over our bodies. The skin cells covering our bodies are constantly being replaced by new skin cells. In fact, we get a whole new skin cells about once a month. Dandruff is also caused by the removal of dead skin from the scalp. While the dead cells that peel off from most of the body parts go unnoticed, the peels coming from our scalp and hair are trapped by oil from the hair resulting in those unsightly clumps known as dandruff. When flakes of sloughed-off skin from the scalp become obvious or are accompanied by itchiness, it's called dandruff. If your dandruff persists despite treatment, or if you have very large flakes together with symptoms around your nose, ears or chest, you may have seborrheic dermatitis. Sometimes referred to as seborrhea, this greasy, scaly, itchy rash can occur on the sides of your nose, in and between your eyebrows, behind your ears, in the center of your chest, or around your navel or genitals as well as in the scalp. Or severe dandruff may be the result of psoriasis of the scalp.
Dandruff more scientifically called Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that causes flaking of the skin. Dandruff is a form of dermatitis which is caused by overgrowth of yeast that results in dryness, itchiness, and flaking in your head. Dandruff is a very common mild skin condition that produces white flakes that may shed and fall from the hair. Most cases of dandruff can be treated with specialized anti-dandruff shampoos or many common home remedies . Dandruff may be a very embarrassing condition, which can happen to any person of any sex and age - but is most common in people of age group 12 to 80. There are several possible causes for dandruff: stress, bad nutrition, lack of rest, frequent use of gels and hair sprays, excessive use of hot curling irons.
How to treat dandruff
The best treatment for dandruff is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo as directed.
Use of a mild medicated shampoo may also help.
The most important thing is to keep the scalp scrupulously clean.
Make sure that your diet is a healthy one and includes white meat or fish, eggs, cheese, fresh fruit and raw vegetables.
Drink plently of mineral water.
Take exercise to help overcome tension. If dandruf persists, visit your doctor.