Steps to Remove Facial Hair

Steps to Remove Facial Hair

October 1st, 2008

Facial hair can be ugly and uncomfortable for women. In fact, any woman who has a dark line of hair on her upper lip or chin will probably go to huge lengths to veil or eliminate it. Many of the traditional means of hair removal offer help for only a short while. Shaving, bleaching and tweezing only get rid of facial hair for 1 to 2 weeks at most. Hair Removal has been a common problem for men and women. There are many ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. One way to get rid of facial hair is through shaving. Although the old wives tale that this will reason the hair it grow back thicker and earlier is not true.

Many women think this is too masculine a way to eliminate facial hair. Other most common methods for women to get rid of facial hair is by plucking. They are possibly already familiar with this due to plucking their eyebrows with a method. If they see a darker hair on their lip or chin, it is simple enough to pluck out. Plucking the hair removes it longer than shaving, but is still not the permanent solution for which many women are preferring. Waxing is alike to plucking, but it can be more painful and is more probably to annoy sensitive skin. If you are looking for a way to remove facial hair permanently, try electrolysis.

Electrolysis is the method by which facial hair is eliminated using electrical currents. A trained professional, frequently referred to as an electrologist or electrolysist, must do this procedure. They take a metal query and insert it into a person hair follicle. The electrical current is then delivered to the follicle, destroying it. While electrolysis will permanently remove the hair, it may not be immediate. You may have to have some electrolysis treatments to the similar hair follicle before the hair is completely removed. This is because your hair cells grow in cycles and electrolysis only works if the hair is in its growth stage.

Many electrologists accuse by the amount of time it takes to get rid of the hair. Another type of permanent facial hair removal is laser treatments. This may also be referred to as phototricholysis or photoepilation. Like electrolysis, this may need several treatments before the hair is removed permanently. The laser light also feels like a pinprick to most patients. However, the laser treatments will not work on blonde, red, or white hairs. It will however work on areas that electrolysis will not, such as the ears and nose. There is no require to be ashamed of having your unwanted facial hair treated.

Entry Filed under: Hair Care

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