Natural Chelation Methods
February 8th, 2009
Chelation therpy bonds a metal or mineral (such as cadmium, cadmium, calcium, iron, aluminum, arsenic, etc.) to another substance - in this case an amino acid called EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid). The EDTA bonds with unnecessary metal in the body and carries them rapidly out of the body in the urine. Usually present trace elements and minerals which are crucial for good health are more closely held within the body and can be maintained with a properly balanced diet and nutritional supplements. Kelation therapy has many positive actions in the body. Free radicals underlie the development of atherosclerosis and many other degenerative diseases of aging. When the free radicals are reduced, diseased arteries can begin to heal and the blood flow can be restored. In time, kelation therpy brings amazing improvement to many physiologic and essential metabolic functions in the body.
There are also a lot of naturally occurring substances that have chelating properties. The spice, coriander (cilantro) has been revealed to chelate lead while turmeric binds to both copper and iron. Other chelation studies have shown how vitamins B1, E, C and zinc can help prevent the absorption of lead and enhance the capacity of chelating drugs. As well as acting as chelating agents plant derived compounds play a very important role in countering the damaging effects of heavy metals and other toxic substances. Spices, fruits, nuts and vegetables all provide large numbers of important antioxidant and other compounds that play a vital role in helping to contain free radical damage. If we desire to reduce the effect of heavy metals and other environmental pollutants on our bodies we need to ensure that we have an sufficient daily intake of spices, fruit and vegetables.
Entry Filed under: Health
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